Database of cinema, music, history and literature

A Doll's House with Pompoms and Trophies (1963)

Original title: a doll's house with pompoms and trophies
| tv series|


William Haleregista

Production and Screenplay

Robert Kaufmanscrittore
Jack Lairdproduttore
Jack Gussproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Rip TornRip Torn(età:32)
Roy RobertsRoy Roberts(età:57)
Tim ConwayTim Conway(età:30)
Joe FlynnJoe Flynn(età:39)
Jason EversJason Evers(età:41)
Susan Hart(età:22)
Henry JonesHenry Jones(età:51)
Don Kennedy(età:43)
Lisabeth HushLisabeth Hush(età:29)
Kip King(età:26)

Technical staff

Jack Marshallmusiche