Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Man Who Was Never Licked (1956)

Original title: the man who was never licked
| tv series|


Production and Screenplay

Dorrell Mcgowanproduttore esecutivo
Jacqueline Rhodessceneggiatore
Ruth Woodmanscrittore

Interpreters and Characters

Daria Massey(età:20)
Gene RothGene Roth(età:53)
John BreenJohn Breen(età:50)
Mathew MccueMathew Mccue(età:61)
Jack LomasJack Lomas(età:45)
Molly Mcgowan(età:10)

Technical staff

Arthur H. nadelmontatore
Brydon Bakerdirettore della fotografia
Alfeo Bocchicchioscenografo