Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Monster of Peladon: Part Six (1974)

Original title: the monster of peladon: part six
| tv series|


Lennie Mayneregista

Production and Screenplay

Blair Haynesscrittore
Barry LettsBarry Lettsproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

alpha centauri
Nina Thomas(età:22)
Jon PertweeJon Pertwee(età:55)
Donald GeeDonald Gee(età:37)
Pat GormanPat Gorman(età:41)
Alan Bennion(età:44)
Rex Robinson(età:48)

Technical staff

Barbara Kiddcostumista
Bill Symonmontatore
Gloria Claytonscenografo
Elizabeth Mosstruccatore

Voices and Dubbing