Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Death of Time (1964)

Original title: the death of time
| tv series|


Richard MartinRichard Martinregista

Production and Screenplay

Terry NationTerry Nationscrittore
Verity Lambertproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Hywel BennettHywel Bennett(età:20)
Ian Thompson(età:25)
Robert JewellRobert Jewell(età:44)
Gerald Taylor(età:24)
Kevin Manser(età:35)
Jack Pitt(età:24)

Technical staff

Raymond Cusickscenografo
John Woodscenografo
Daphne Darecostumista
Sonia Markhamtruccatore
Norman Matthewsmontatore

Voices and Dubbing