Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Highlanders: Episode 4 (1966)

Original title: the highlanders: episode 4
| tv series|


Hugh Davidregista

Production and Screenplay

Gerry Davisscrittore
Innes Lloydproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Michael ElwynMichael Elwyn(età:24)
Andrew Downie(età:44)
Peter DiamondPeter Diamond(età:37)
Hannah GordonHannah Gordon(età:25)
Derek Martin(età:33)
Donald Bisset(età:56)
Sydney Arnold(età:66)
Frazer HinesFrazer Hines(età:22)
Peter Welch(età:44)
Michael CrazeMichael Craze(età:24)
Pat GormanPat Gorman(età:33)
Anneke Wills(età:25)
Dallas Cavell(età:41)
David Garth(età:45)

Technical staff

Geoffrey Kirklandscenografo
Gillian Jamestruccatore
Alexandra Tynancostumista