Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Underwater Menace: Episode 4 (1966)

Original title: the underwater menace: episode 4
| tv series|


Julia Smithregista

Production and Screenplay

Innes Lloydproduttore
Geoffrey Ormescrittore

Interpreters and Characters

Noel Johnson(età:50)
Graham Ashley(età:39)
Ralph Watson(età:30)
Colin JeavonsColin Jeavons(età:37)
Joseph FürstJoseph Fürst(età:50)
Frazer HinesFrazer Hines(età:22)
Michael CrazeMichael Craze(età:24)
Anneke Wills(età:25)

Technical staff

Gillian Jamestruccatore
Alexandra Tynancostumista
Eddie Wallstabmontatore
Jack Robinsonscenografo