Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Macra Terror: Episode 3 (1966)

Original title: the macra terror: episode 3
| tv series|


John Daviesregista

Production and Screenplay

Ian Stuart blackIan Stuart blackscrittore
Innes Lloydproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Peter Jeffrey(età:37)
John HarveyJohn Harvey(età:28)
Robert JewellRobert Jewell(età:46)
Frazer HinesFrazer Hines(età:22)
Steve Emerson(età:32)
Michael CrazeMichael Craze(età:24)
Anneke Wills(età:25)
Graham Leaman(età:46)
Terence LodgeTerence Lodge(età:30)

Technical staff

Daphne Darecostumista
Gillian Jamestruccatore
Kenneth Sharpscenografo
Eddie Wallstabmontatore

Voices and Dubbing