Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Tenth Planet: Episode 1 (1966)

Original title: the tenth planet: episode 1
| tv series|


Derek Martinusregista

Production and Screenplay

Innes Lloydproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Robert BeattyRobert Beatty(età:57)
Gregg PalmerGregg Palmer(età:39)
Earl CameronEarl Cameron(età:49)
Steve Plytas(età:53)
Gordon Lang(età:54)
John Brandon(età:37)
Dudley Jones(età:52)
Gordon Craig(età:57)
Michael CrazeMichael Craze(età:24)
Anneke Wills(età:25)
Reg Whitehead(età:34)

Technical staff

Gillian Jamestruccatore
Alexandra Tynancostumista
Peter Kindredscenografo