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Terror of the Autons: Episode One (1971)

Original title: terror of the autons: episode one
| tv series|


Barry LettsBarry Lettsregista

Production and Screenplay

Barry LettsBarry Lettsproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

John LeveneJohn Levene(età:30)
Jon PertweeJon Pertwee(età:52)
Frank MillsFrank Mills(età:80)
Roger DelgadoRoger Delgado(età:53)
Katy ManningKaty Manning(età:25)
David Garth(età:50)
John Baskcomb(età:55)

Technical staff

Ian Watsonscenografo
Ken Trewcostumista
Jan harrison Shelltruccatore
Geoffrey Botterillmontatore