Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Fembots in Las Vegas - Part 2 (1977)

Original title: fembots in las vegas - part 2
Production: USA| tv series
Action, Science fiction, Dramatic
carl franklin has managed to launch the stolen energy ray into space and now demands that the three people he holds responsible for his father's death be handed over to him. they are: oscar goldman, dr. rudy wells and jaime sommers.


Michael PreeceMichael Preeceregista

Production and Screenplay

Kenneth Johnsonproduttore
Craig Schillerproduttore
Arthur Roweproduttore
Arthur Rowescrittore

Interpreters and Characters

James Olson(età:47)
John Houseman(età:75)
Doug Hale(età:147)
Lisa Moore(età:37)
Nancy Bleier(età:31)
Paul Tinder(età:26)

Technical staff

Charles Waldocostumista
Fleet Southcottdirettore della fotografia
Joseph HarnellJoseph Harnellmusiche
Alan C. Marksmontatore
Charles R. Davisscenografo
ManGary Morenoarredatore