Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Onions, Garlic and Flowers That Bloom in the Spring (1963)

Original title: onions, garlic and flowers that bloom in the spring
| tv series|


John NewlandJohn Newlandregista

Production and Screenplay

Theodore Apsteinscrittore
David Victorproduttore
Norman Feltonproduttore esecutivo

Interpreters and Characters

Cesar RomeroCesar Romero(età:56)
Audrey DaltonAudrey Dalton(età:29)
Marianna HillMarianna Hill(età:21)
Penny SantonPenny Santon(età:47)
Joe De santisJoe De santis(età:54)
Tina MenardTina Menard(età:59)
James Noah(età:28)

Technical staff

Henry GraceHenry Gracearredatore
ManGeorge W. Davisscenografo
Charles k. Hagedonscenografo