Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Day Lincoln Was Shot (1955)

Original title: the day lincoln was shot
| tv series|


Delbert MannDelbert Mannregista

Production and Screenplay

Denis Sandersscrittore
Harry AckermanHarry Ackermanproduttore esecutivo
Terry Sandersscrittore
Jean Hollowayscrittore
Paul Gregoryproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Jack LemmonJack Lemmon(età:30)
Lillian GishLillian Gish(età:59)
Jack RaineJack Raine(età:58)
Doris LloydDoris Lloyd(età:59)
Ainslie Pryor(età:34)
Paul BryarPaul Bryar(età:45)
Billy ChapinBilly Chapin(età:12)
Roy EngelRoy Engel(età:42)
Mark Herron(età:27)
Shirley Mills(età:29)
Douglas Odney(età:32)