Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Video Messiah (1990)

Original title: video messiah
Production: Canada, USA| tv series
Dramatic, Horror, Action, Science fiction, Thriller
the aliens plan to clone a popular motivational speaker in order to control the minds of the rich and powerful. suzanne and harrison plan to capture an alien drone.


Production and Screenplay

Norman Sniderscrittore
Frank Jr.mancusoproduttore esecutivo
Jon c. Andersenproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Denis ForestDenis Forest(età:30)
Larry Joshua(età:38)
Roy ThinnesRoy Thinnes(età:52)
Lori HallierLori Hallier(età:31)
Adrian PaulAdrian Paul(età:31)
Jared MartinJared Martin(età:49)
Keith Knight(età:34)
Alex CarterAlex Carter(età:26)

Technical staff

Joe Deliamusiche
Rolf Harveyscenografo
Gavin Mitchellscenografo
Jenny Arbourparrucchiere
Delphine Whitecostumista
Jordan Samueltruccatore
Inge Klauditruccatore
Gareth Wilsonarredatore
Greg Chownarredatore
Susan Forrestcasting
Maris h. Jansonsdirettore della fotografia
Geoff Craigenmontatore