Database of cinema, music, history and literature

East Winds (1981)

Original title: east winds
Production: USA|48 min| tv series
Dramatic, Action, Science fiction
chinese gangsters are after a gold treasure hidden in david 'barrett' rented china town apartment. an old cop has fallen in love with a girl forced to work for the gangster.


Jack ColvinJack Colvinregista

Production and Screenplay

Kenneth Johnsonproduttore esecutivo
Nicholas Coreaproduttore
Karen Harrisproduttore
Jill Donnerproduttore
Alan Cassidyproduttore
Stephen Caldwellproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Bill BixbyBill Bixby(età:47)
Richard LooRichard Loo(età:78)
Jack ColvinJack Colvin(età:47)
Lou FerrignoLou Ferrigno(età:30)
Tony Mumolo(età:41)
Beulah Quo(età:58)
Del MonroeDel Monroe(età:50)

Technical staff

ManRon Stephensoncasting
ManRobert Wingoarredatore
Joseph HarnellJoseph Harnellmusiche
Brienne Glyttovcostumista

Voices and Dubbing