Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Caffe Ole (1992)

Original title: caffe ole
tv series
Comedy, Western, Adventure
Poster of movie Caffe Ole
factory owner edgar rockbottom and famed suffragette susan b. anthony visit daisy town. but the townsfolk are is all upset because of a coffee shortage. on top of that, lucky luke and lotta legs swap jobs.


Ted Nicolaouregista

Production and Screenplay

Lori Hillscrittore
Carl SautterCarl Sautterscrittore
Carolina Alabisoproduttore
John Gaspardscrittore

Interpreters and Characters

Terence HillTerence Hill(età:53)
Nancy MorganNancy Morgan(età:43)
Neil SummersNeil Summers(età:48)
Sally Jackson(età:42)
Wally WelchWally Welch(età:45)
Jeremy Lepard(età:65)
John Barks(età:70)
Pat Ripley(età:66)

Technical staff

Eugenio AlabisoEugenio Alabisomontatore
Carlo Tafanidirettore della fotografia
ManPiero Filipponescenografo
Vera MarzotVera Marzotcostumista
David Grovermusiche
Aaron Schrödermusiche
Mary hedges Lampertparrucchiere
Sarah c. Koeppecasting
Gary Walkerparrucchiere
Ashlie Walkerparrucchiere
Kelly Olsentruccatore
Cecily Hughesscenografo

Voices and Dubbing