Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Is It So Soon That I Am Done for - I Wonder What I Was Begun For? (1971)

Original title: is it so soon that i am done for - i wonder what i was begun for?
| tv series|


Jeannot SzwarcJeannot Szwarcregista

Production and Screenplay

ManPaul Schneiderscrittore
David Victorproduttore esecutivo
Margaret Schneiderscrittore
David j. O'connellproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

James BrolinJames Brolin(età:31)
Elena VerdugoElena Verdugo(età:46)
Jerry Fogel(età:35)
Charles SeelCharles Seel(età:74)
Robert YoungRobert Young(età:64)

Technical staff

Walter StrengeWalter Strengedirettore della fotografia
George Patrickscenografo
Joseph Reitharredatore