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The Trial (2007)

Original title: the trial
Production: USA|30 min| tv series
earl is a character witness for joy's trial, but he soon learns that the only way joy will get out of a conviction and her third strike is to falsely confess to the crime himself.


Michael Frescoregista

Production and Screenplay

Timothy StackTimothy Stackscrittore
Marc Bucklandproduttore esecutivo
Mike Marianoscrittore
Bobby Bowmanproduttore esecutivo
Victor Frescoproduttore
Gregory Thomas Garciaproduttore esecutivo

Characters and Interpreters

Chelcie RossChelcie Ross(età:65)
Jason LeeJason Lee(età:37)
Marlee MatlinMarlee Matlin(età:42)
Nancy Yee(età:74)
Ethan SupleeEthan Suplee(età:31)
Jaime PresslyJaime Pressly(età:30)
Timothy StackTimothy Stack(età:51)
Larry ClarkeLarry Clarke(età:43)

Technical staff

Randy Serscenografo
William Marrinsonmontatore
Nedra Haineytruccatore
Robin Kennedycostumista