Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Creative Writing (2007)

Original title: creative writing
Production: USA|22 min| tv series
while earl struggles to write a paper for his prison creative writing class, randy, joy, darnell, and catalina have no trouble coming up with creative story ideas of their own.


Chris Kochregista

Production and Screenplay

Michael Shipleyproduttore
Bobby Bowmanscrittore
Victor Frescoproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Jason LeeJason Lee(età:37)
Ethan SupleeEthan Suplee(età:31)
Jaime PresslyJaime Pressly(età:30)
Dyana Ortelli(età:46)
Van Snowden(età:68)

Technical staff

Randy Serscenografo
Peggy Teaguetruccatore
William Marrinsonmontatore
Dugg Kirkpatrickparrucchiere
John Zacharyscenografo
Nedra Haineytruccatore
Robin Kennedycostumista
Dava Waitecasting
Michael Goidirettore della fotografia