Database of cinema, music, history and literature

With Liberty and Justice for All (1955)

Original title: with liberty and justice for all
| tv series|


Gene MilfordGene Milfordregista
Richard Dunlapregista

Production and Screenplay

Robert Saudekproduttore
Paul Feigayproduttore
Richard Hofstadterscrittore

Interpreters and Characters

Paul MazurskyPaul Mazursky(età:25)
Vaughn TaylorVaughn Taylor(età:45)
Doreen LangDoreen Lang(età:40)
Lilia SkalaLilia Skala(età:59)
Hurd HatfieldHurd Hatfield(età:38)
Russell HicksRussell Hicks(età:60)
James Thurber(età:61)
Anthony Starr(età:54)
Noel Leslie(età:67)