Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Long Distance Daddy (1984)

Original title: long distance daddy
Production: USA|48 min| tv series
Dramatic, Action, Thriller
nick's sponsor child comes from cambodia to the usa so his sister can undergo heart surgery. but while being stowawayers at a cargo plane, they witness the murder of the son of a major crime boss.


Bruce KesslerBruce Kesslerregista

Production and Screenplay

Mark Jonesscrittore
Babs Greyhoskyscrittore

Characters and Interpreters

Thom BrayThom Bray(età:30)
Perry KingPerry King(età:36)
Jack GingJack Ging(età:53)
David GrafDavid Graf(età:34)
John Louie(età:14)
Joe PennyJoe Penny(età:28)
Joseph SirolaJoseph Sirola(età:55)
Frank Annese(età:34)
Tony Ciccone(età:24)
Dean WeinDean Wein(età:36)
Doug France(età:31)

Technical staff

Peg Halligancasting