Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Boz Busters (1985)

Original title: boz busters
47 min| tv series
Dramatic, Action, Thriller
when murray is offered a dream job in computer research he leaves the agency and then goes missing. nick and cody set out to find him.


Bob BralverBob Bralverregista

Production and Screenplay

Babs Greyhoskyscrittore
Tom Blomquistproduttore
Tom Blomquistscrittore

Characters and Interpreters

Thom BrayThom Bray(età:31)
Perry KingPerry King(età:37)
Jack GingJack Ging(età:54)
Mitchell RyanMitchell Ryan(età:51)
Rosalind CashRosalind Cash(età:47)
Joe PennyJoe Penny(età:29)
Ken OlandtKen Olandt(età:27)
Sue GiosaSue Giosa(età:32)
Gela Nash(età:32)

Technical staff

Peg Halligancasting