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The Happy Hen (1978)

Original title: the happy hen
Production: UK| tv series
mr. nicholls announces that he's opening an omelette house next door, robin discovers that staff interviews are taking place in the bistro, and an unexpected knock-through leaves the customers with a funny taste.


Production and Screenplay

Peter Frazer-jonesproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Liz FraserLiz Fraser(età:48)
Tony BrittonTony Britton(età:54)
David KellyDavid Kelly(età:49)
Tessa WyattTessa Wyatt(età:30)
Frank Tregear(età:54)
Derek Seaton(età:35)
Joan Harsant(età:52)

Technical staff

David Chasecasting
Marcia Stantoncostumista
Jan Chaneyscenografo
Christine Morrelltruccatore