Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Chicken Little Is a Little Chicken (1975)

Original title: chicken little is a little chicken
Production: USA|50 min| tv series
Dramatic, Thriller, Crime
angel asks jim to help him collect some money from someone who supposedly welshed on a deal. not surprisingly he hasn't told jim the whole truth, which includes two very angry hoods who want money angel owes them.


ManLawrence Dohenyregista

Production and Screenplay

Lane Slateproduttore
Chas.floyd JohnsonChas.floyd Johnsonproduttore
Stephen J. CannellStephen J. Cannellproduttore
Stephen J. CannellStephen J. Cannellscrittore
Meta Rosenbergproduttore esecutivo

Interpreters and Characters

James GarnerJames Garner(età:47)
Ray DantonRay Danton(età:44)
Joe SantosJoe Santos(età:44)
Sandy WardSandy Ward(età:49)
ManBob Templeton(età:57)
Tony DanteTony Dante(età:54)
Vince HowardVince Howard(età:39)
June Smaney(età:53)
Angelo Gnazzo(età:36)

Technical staff

Pete CarpenterPete Carpentermusiche
Mike PostMike Postmusiche
Lamar Borendirettore della fotografia
Robert L. zillioxarredatore
Buford F. Hayesmontatore
Robert Crawley Sr.scenografo

Voices and Dubbing