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With the French Heel Back, Can the Nehru Jacket Be Far Behind? (1979)

Original title: with the french heel back, can the nehru jacket be far behind?
Production: USA|60 min| tv series
Thriller, Dramatic, Mystery
a fashion model friend of jim is found dead on the ground below her balcony. the police believe it's suicide, but having gotten a desperate phone call from her, jim believes it's murder.


Ivan DixonIvan Dixonregista

Production and Screenplay

David Chaseproduttore
ManRudolph Borchertscrittore
Chas.floyd JohnsonChas.floyd Johnsonproduttore
Stephen J. CannellStephen J. Cannellproduttore
John Davidproduttore
J. rickley Dummproduttore
Meta Rosenbergproduttore esecutivo

Interpreters and Characters

Erin GrayErin Gray(età:29)
James GarnerJames Garner(età:51)
Marisa PavanMarisa Pavan(età:47)
Joe SantosJoe Santos(età:48)
Chris Derose(età:31)
John ZendaJohn Zenda(età:35)
John Furlong(età:46)
Jim B. smith(età:55)
Howard WittHoward Witt(età:47)
ManLuis Delgado(età:54)
Joe Pine(età:76)
W.K. Stratton(età:29)
Paula Victor(età:64)
Paul Deceglie(età:38)
Frieda RentieFrieda Rentie(età:47)

Technical staff

Pete CarpenterPete Carpentermusiche
Mike PostMike Postmusiche
Andrew JacksonAndrew Jacksondirettore della fotografia
Robert L. zillioxarredatore
George R. rohrsmontatore
Kent WarnerKent Warnercostumista
Robert Crawley Sr.scenografo

Voices and Dubbing