Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Sign of Four (1968)

Original title: the sign of four
Production: UK| black and white| tv series
Horror, Dramatic, Mystery
when a woman receives a series of valuable pearls from an unknown party after the disappearance of her father, sherlock holmes is hired to investigate.

Origin of the subject


Production and Screenplay

William Sterlingproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Peter CushingPeter Cushing(età:55)
Nigel StockNigel Stock(età:49)
John Stratton(età:43)
Ann Bell(età:30)
John Dunbar(età:12)
Ann Way(età:53)
Paul Daneman(età:43)
Grace Arnold(età:74)
Sara Clee(età:19)

Technical staff

Michael Elphickdirettore della fotografia
Sue Taylorcostumista
Heather Stewarttruccatore
Max Harrismusiche
Roy Frymontatore
Sally Hulkescenografo