Database of cinema, music, history and literature

A Study in Scarlet (1968)

Original title: a study in scarlet
Production: UK| black and white| tv series
Horror, Dramatic, Mystery
when a man is found poisoned in an abandoned building with the word "rache" written in blood on the wall.

Origin of the subject


Henri Safranregista

Production and Screenplay

William Sterlingproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Peter CushingPeter Cushing(età:55)
Nigel StockNigel Stock(età:49)
Ed BishopEd Bishop(età:36)
Michael Segal(età:44)
Joe Melia(età:33)
Larry Dann(età:27)
Joe Gladwin(età:62)
Grace Arnold(età:74)
Larry Cross(età:55)

Technical staff

Heather Stewarttruccatore
Max Harrismusiche
Larry Toftmontatore
Betty Aldisscostumista
Stanley Morrisscenografo