Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Boscombe Valley Mystery (1968)

Original title: the boscombe valley mystery
Production: UK| black and white| tv series
Dramatic, Horror, Mystery
the much cantankerous and widely despised bill mccarthy is found bludgeoned to death and his son, with whom he often quarreled, is the prime suspect.

Origin of the subject


Viktors Ritelisregista

Production and Screenplay

William Sterlingproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Peter CushingPeter Cushing(età:55)
Peter MaddenPeter Madden(età:64)
Victor Brooks(età:50)
Nick TateNick Tate(età:26)
Nigel StockNigel Stock(età:49)
Jack Woolgar(età:55)

Technical staff

Tom Carterscenografo
Max Harrismusiche