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The Enemy Within (1966)

Original title: the enemy within
Production: USA|50 min| tv series
Science fiction, Action, Adventure
a transporter malfunction splits captain kirk into two halves: one meek and indecisive, the other violent and ill tempered. the remaining crew members stranded on the planet cannot be beamed up to the ship until a problem is fixed.


Leo PennLeo Pennregista

Production and Screenplay

Gene RoddenberryGene Roddenberryproduttore
Robert H.justmanproduttore
Richard MathesonRichard Mathesonscrittore
John D.F. BlackJohn D.F. Blackproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

George TakeiGeorge Takei(età:29)
James DoohanJames Doohan(età:46)
Leonard NimoyLeonard Nimoy(età:35)
Eddie PaskeyEddie Paskey(età:27)
Jim GoodwinJim Goodwin(età:37)

Technical staff

Gerald Perry FinnermanGerald Perry Finnermandirettore della fotografia
Carl Biddiscombearredatore
Walter M.jefferiesscenografo
William Ware TheissWilliam Ware Theisscostumista
Virginia Darcyparrucchiere
Sol Kaplanmusiche
Fred B. Phillipstruccatore
Rolland M. Brooksscenografo
Joseph D'AgostaJoseph D'Agostacasting

Voices and Dubbing