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By Any Other Name (1968)

Original title: by any other name
Production: USA|50 min| tv series
Science fiction, Action, Adventure
galactic alien scouts capture the enterprise for a return voyage and a prelude to invasion. kirk's one advantage - they're not used to their adopted human form.


Marc Danielsregista

Production and Screenplay

Gene RoddenberryGene Roddenberryproduttore esecutivo
John Meredyth Lucasproduttore
Robert H.justmanproduttore
Jerome BixbyJerome Bixbyscrittore

Interpreters and Characters

James DoohanJames Doohan(età:48)
Leonard NimoyLeonard Nimoy(età:37)
Majel BarrettMajel Barrett(età:36)
Walter KoenigWalter Koenig(età:32)
Stewart MossStewart Moss(età:31)
Eddie PaskeyEddie Paskey(età:29)
Frank DavinciFrank Davinci(età:35)
Julie Cobb(età:21)
Carl Byrd(età:33)

Technical staff

Walter M.jefferiesscenografo
William Ware TheissWilliam Ware Theisscostumista
John M. DwyerJohn M. Dwyerarredatore
Fred B. Phillipstruccatore
James Ballasmontatore
ManKeith C. Smithdirettore della fotografia
Joseph D'AgostaJoseph D'Agostacasting
Pat Westmoreparrucchiere