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Assignment: Earth (1968)

Original title: assignment: earth
Production: USA|50 min| tv series
Science fiction, Action, Adventure
while back in time observing earth in 1968, the enterprise crew encounters the mysterious gary seven who has his own agenda on the planet.


Marc Danielsregista

Production and Screenplay

Gene RoddenberryGene Roddenberryproduttore
Gene RoddenberryGene Roddenberryscrittore
Art Wallacescrittore
Edward K.milkisEdward K.milkisproduttore
Robert H.justmanproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

George TakeiGeorge Takei(età:31)
James DoohanJames Doohan(età:48)
Leonard NimoyLeonard Nimoy(età:37)
Ted GehringTed Gehring(età:39)
Teri GarrTeri Garr(età:24)
Walter KoenigWalter Koenig(età:32)
Don KeeferDon Keefer(età:52)
Eddie PaskeyEddie Paskey(età:29)
Frank DavinciFrank Davinci(età:35)
Morgan Jones(età:40)
Paul BaxleyPaul Baxley(età:45)
Bruce Mars(età:33)

Technical staff

Gerald Perry FinnermanGerald Perry Finnermandirettore della fotografia
Walter M.jefferiesscenografo
William Ware TheissWilliam Ware Theisscostumista
John M. DwyerJohn M. Dwyerarredatore
Fred B. Phillipstruccatore
Donald R. rodemontatore
Joseph D'AgostaJoseph D'Agostacasting
Pat Westmoreparrucchiere

Voices and Dubbing