Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Doomsday Machine (1967)

Original title: the doomsday machine
Production: USA|50 min| tv series
Action, Science fiction, Adventure
the uss enterprise encounters the wrecked uss constellation and its distraught commodore who's determined to stop the giant planet-destroying robot ship that killed his crew.


Marc Danielsregista

Production and Screenplay

Gene RoddenberryGene Roddenberryproduttore esecutivo
Robert H.justmanproduttore
Norman SpinradNorman Spinradscrittore
Gene L. CoonGene L. Coonproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

George TakeiGeorge Takei(età:30)
James DoohanJames Doohan(età:47)
Leonard NimoyLeonard Nimoy(età:36)
John CopageJohn Copage(età:42)
John WinstonJohn Winston(età:34)
Eddie PaskeyEddie Paskey(età:28)
Jerry CatronJerry Catron(età:35)

Technical staff

Gerald Perry FinnermanGerald Perry Finnermandirettore della fotografia
Walter M.jefferiesscenografo
William Ware TheissWilliam Ware Theisscostumista
Sol Kaplanmusiche
Fred B. Phillipstruccatore
Donald R. rodemontatore
Joseph J. stonearredatore
Joseph D'AgostaJoseph D'Agostacasting
Pat Westmoreparrucchiere