Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Last Cruise (1950)

Original title: the last cruise
| tv series|


Paul Nickellregista

Production and Screenplay

Worthington Minerproduttore
Worthington Minersceneggiatore
William Ledererscrittore

Interpreters and Characters

Gar MooreGar Moore(età:30)
Dan FrazerDan Frazer(età:29)
Betty FurnessBetty Furness(età:34)
Alan Dexter(età:32)
Jim GoodwinJim Goodwin(età:21)
Martin Newman(età:26)
Chris Gampel(età:29)
Harry Cooke(età:43)
Vince O'brien(età:31)

Technical staff

Vic Olivermusiche