Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Twelve Angry Men (1954)

Original title: twelve angry men
| tv series|


Production and Screenplay

ManReginald Rosescrittore
Felix Jacksonproduttore
William Altmanproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Norman FellNorman Fell(età:30)
Edward ArnoldEdward Arnold(età:64)
Franchot ToneFranchot Tone(età:49)
Lee PhilipsLee Philips(età:27)
Walter AbelWalter Abel(età:56)
John   I BealJohn I Beal(età:45)
Bart Burns(età:36)
Betty FurnessBetty Furness(età:38)
Larkin Ford(età:34)
Paul Hartman(età:50)

Technical staff

Wesley Lawsarredatore
Vic Olivermusiche

Voices and Dubbing