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Burning Desire (1999)

Original title: burning desire
tv series
Dramatic, Thriller, Action, Science fiction
the cpb investigates the death of a man who was fried in his sublimator, and hume becomes worried that the same might happen to olivia.


Mario Azzopardiregista

Production and Screenplay

Jeff Kingproduttore
Jeff Kingscrittore
Ted Mannproduttore
Dennis Chapmanproduttore
Drew s. Levinproduttore esecutivo

Interpreters and Characters

Carolyn DunnCarolyn Dunn(età:38)
Katie Griffin(età:26)

Technical staff

Jack Lenzmusiche
Peter Coscoscenografo
Derick V. underschultzdirettore della fotografia
Gordon J. Smithtruccatore
James Bredinmontatore
Jon Comerfordcasting
Stephen Stanleyscenografo
Maxyne Bakercostumista