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Nothing Like the Real Thing (1999)

Original title: nothing like the real thing
tv series
Action, Science fiction, Dramatic, Thriller
an accountant kills a deliveryman for seemingly no reason and then falls into a trance. marks on his head suggest he had bought a cheap black-market memory implant. hume and farve have to find the seller before more people get hurt.


Terry Ingramregista

Production and Screenplay

Jeff Kingproduttore
Ted Mannproduttore
Dennis Chapmanproduttore
Drew s. Levinproduttore esecutivo
Elliot Sternscrittore

Interpreters and Characters

Peter FirthPeter Firth(età:46)
Laura HarrisLaura Harris(età:23)
Daniel KashDaniel Kash(età:40)
Tony MunchTony Munch(età:34)
Nicole OliverNicole Oliver(età:29)

Technical staff

Jack Lenzmusiche
Peter Coscoscenografo
Derick V. underschultzdirettore della fotografia
Brendan Smitharredatore
Gordon J. Smithtruccatore
Stephanie Ingramparrucchiere
James Bredinmontatore
Jon Comerfordcasting
Maxyne Bakercostumista
Marilyn O'quinntruccatore