Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Self-Inflicted (1999)

Original title: self-inflicted
tv series
Thriller, Action, Science fiction, Dramatic
a corporate doctor just returned from a space station finds her husband in the bathroom dying and coughing up blood. cpb investigates it as a potential bio-hazard situation, but have to fight over jurisdiction with the doctor's employer.


Jorge Montesiregista

Production and Screenplay

Jeff Kingproduttore
Ted Mannproduttore
Ted Mannscrittore
Dennis Chapmanproduttore
Drew s. Levinproduttore esecutivo

Interpreters and Characters

Sara Botsford(età:48)
Paulino NunesPaulino Nunes(età:31)

Technical staff

Jack Lenzmusiche
Peter Coscoscenografo
Derick V. underschultzdirettore della fotografia
Brendan Smitharredatore
Gordon J. Smithtruccatore
Stephanie Ingramparrucchiere
Debi Drennantruccatore
Jon Comerfordcasting
Stephen Stanleyscenografo
Maxyne Bakercostumista
Stephan Fanfaramontatore