Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Baby Lottery (1999)

Original title: baby lottery
tv series
Dramatic, Thriller, Action, Science fiction
a baby taken from his parents because of a genetic disposition towards crime disappears from the reproductive selection board. investigating, farve and hume find that his parents aren't the only ones interested in him.


Production and Screenplay

Jeff Kingproduttore
Ted Mannproduttore
Dennis Chapmanproduttore
Drew s. Levinproduttore esecutivo
Michael Thomascrittore

Interpreters and Characters

Clint HowardClint Howard(età:40)
Cleo MadisonCleo Madison(età:116)
Kirby MorrowKirby Morrow(età:26)

Technical staff

Peter Coscoscenografo
Derick V. underschultzdirettore della fotografia
Brendan Smitharredatore
Gordon J. Smithtruccatore
Stephanie Ingramparrucchiere
Eric Goddardmontatore
Jon Comerfordcasting
Stephen Stanleyscenografo
Maxyne Bakercostumista
Marilyn O'quinntruccatore