Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Never Bet on Anything That Talks (1965)

Original title: never bet on anything that talks
| tv series|


Robert Gistregista

Production and Screenplay

Robert VanscoykRobert Vanscoykscrittore
Richard Alan Simmonsproduttore esecutivo
Gene Wangproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Dolph SweetDolph Sweet(età:45)
Kenneth MarsKenneth Mars(età:30)
Peter FalkPeter Falk(età:38)
David BurnsDavid Burns(età:64)
Mischa AuerMischa Auer(età:60)
Joanna BarnesJoanna Barnes(età:31)
Phil FosterPhil Foster(età:52)

Technical staff

Sid RaminSid Raminmusiche