Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Trouble with Archie (1965)

Original title: the trouble with archie
| tv series|


Production and Screenplay

Richard Alan Simmonsproduttore esecutivo
George Bellakscrittore
Gene Wangproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Peter FalkPeter Falk(età:38)
Simon OaklandSimon Oakland(età:50)
Phil LeedsPhil Leeds(età:49)
David BurnsDavid Burns(età:64)
Lou JacobiLou Jacobi(età:52)
Dan FrazerDan Frazer(età:44)
Joanna BarnesJoanna Barnes(età:31)
Bruce Hyde(età:24)
Valerie Allen(età:29)
Bernard WestBernard West(età:47)

Technical staff

Sid RaminSid Raminmusiche