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Bigfoot V (1977)

Original title: bigfoot v
Production: USA|48 min| tv series
Action, Science fiction, Dramatic
bigfoot has been left behind by his alien creators and is being adapted to life on earth. but he is awoken prematurely by tests conducted by hope langston and goes on a rampage.


Rod HolcombRod Holcombregista

Production and Screenplay

Rod HolcombRod Holcombproduttore
Lionel E.siegelproduttore esecutivo
Richard H. Landauproduttore
Gregory S. Dinalloscrittore

Interpreters and Characters

Ted CassidyTed Cassidy(età:45)
Lee MajorsLee Majors(età:38)
Regis CordicRegis Cordic(età:51)

Technical staff

Burton Millercostumista
Paul Petersscenografo
Scott H. eddotruccatore
Ronald W. brownedirettore della fotografia
J.j. Johnsonmusiche
Ron Jeschkearredatore