Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Sex, Lies, and Videotape (1989)

Original title: sex, lies, and videotape
Production: USA|100 min
Dramatic, Comedy, Psychological
Poster of movie Sex, Lies, and Videotape
a sexually repressed woman's husband is having an affair with her sister. the arrival of a visitor with a rather unusual fetish changes everything.

Festivals and awards


Production and Screenplay

Steven SoderberghSteven Soderberghsceneggiatore
Steven SoderberghSteven Soderberghscrittore
John Hardyproduttore
Morgan Masonproduttore
Morgan Masonproduttore esecutivo
Nick WechslerNick Wechslerproduttore esecutivo
Nancy Tenenbaumproduttore esecutivo
Robert f. Newmyerproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Ron VawterRon Vawter(età:41)
ann bishop-mullany
Steven Brill(età:27)
cynthia patrice bishop
graham dalton
James SpaderJames Spader(età:29)
john mullany

Technical staff

Steven SoderberghSteven Soderberghmontatore
Cliff MartinezCliff Martinezmusiche
Walt Lloyddirettore della fotografia
Deborah AquilaDeborah Aquilacasting
Joanne Schmidtscenografo
James Rydertruccatore
Kim Peasetruccatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1989)