Database of cinema, music, history and literature

sexy beast (2000)

Original title: sexy beast
Production: UK, Spain|88 min
Dramatic, Comedy, Thriller
Poster of movie sexy beast
gal, a former criminal who retired with his wife on the costa del sol, is contacted by his old friend don to make one final blow: theft from a bank's safety deposit boxes. it is the beginning of a tug-of-war that will make the long-dormant hatred re-emerge between the two, between explosions of violence and situations bordering on the grotesque.

Festivals and awards


Jonathan Glazerregista

Production and Screenplay

Jeremy ThomasJeremy Thomasproduttore
Louis Mellissceneggiatore
David Scintosceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

Ray WinstoneRay Winstone(età:43)
gary 'gal' dove
Ray WinstoneRay Winstone(età:43)
Don Logan
Ben KingsleyBen Kingsley(età:57)
deedee dove
Amanda RedmanAmanda Redman(età:43)
Amanda RedmanAmanda Redman(età:43)
Cavan Kendall(età:58)
Teddy Bass
Ian McShaneIan McShane(età:58)
James FoxJames Fox(età:61)
Gerard BarrayGerard Barray(età:69)

Technical staff

John Scottmontatore
Louise Stjernswardcostumista
Ivan Birddirettore della fotografia
Jan Houlleviguescenografo
Jane Cookescenografo
Sam Sneademontatore
Roque BanosRoque Banosmusiche