Database of cinema, music, history and literature

shane (1953)

Original title: shane
Production: USA|118 min
Western, Dramatic, Adventure
Poster of movie shane
a weary gunfighter attempts to settle down with a homestead family, but a smoldering settler/rancher conflict forces him to act.

Festivals and awards

Origin of the subject

dal libro: romanzo ()


George StevensGeorge Stevensregista

Production and Screenplay

George StevensGeorge Stevensproduttore
Ivan Moffatproduttore
Jack Sherdialoghi
A. B. guthrie jr.sceneggiatore
A.b. Guthrie jr.sceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Alan LaddAlan Ladd(età:40)
(Shane, ex pistolero)
Jean ArthurJean Arthur(età:48)
Van HeflinVan Heflin(età:43)
Brandon De wildeBrandon De wilde(età:11)
Jack PalanceJack Palance(età:34)
(jack palance)
Edith EvansonEdith Evanson(età:57)
(edith evanson)
Ben JohnsonBen Johnson(età:35)
(ben johnson)
Edgar BuchananEdgar Buchanan(età:50)
(edgar buchanan)
Emile MeyerEmile Meyer(età:45)
(emile meyer)
Elisha Cook jr.Elisha Cook jr.(età:50)
(elisha cook jr.)
Douglas SpencerDouglas Spencer(età:43)
(douglas spencer)
John DierkesJohn Dierkes(età:48)
(john dierkes)
Paul Mcvey(età:55)
(paul mcvey)
Leonard Strong(età:45)
(leonard strong)
Helen Brown(età:38)
(helen brown)
knock him into that pigpen, chris!
Ellen CorbyEllen Corby(età:42)
Nancy KulpNancy Kulp(età:32)
David LaddDavid Ladd(età:6)
Steve RainesSteve Raines(età:37)
Howard Negley(età:55)
Ray SpikerRay Spiker(età:51)
Henry WillsHenry Wills(età:32)
Chick HannanChick Hannan(età:52)
Alana LaddAlana Ladd(età:10)
Jack Sterling(età:54)
Rex Moore(età:53)

Technical staff

Victor YoungVictor Youngmusiche
William HornbeckWilliam Hornbeckmontatore
Edith HeadEdith Headcostumista
Emile KuriEmile Kuriarredatore
Hal PereiraHal Pereirascenografo
Loyal Griggsdirettore della fotografia
Wally WestmoreWally Westmoretruccatore
Tom Mcadoomontatore
Walter H. tylerWalter H. tylerscenografo

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1953)