Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Share (2019)

Original title: share
87 min
Poster of movie Share
after discovering a disturbing video from a night she doesn't remember, sixteen-year-old mandy must try to figure out what happened and how to navigate the escalating fallout.

Festivals and awards


Pippa Biancoregista

Production and Screenplay

Pippa Biancosceneggiatore
Matt Codeproduttore
Matthew Parkerproduttore
Carly Hugoproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Lovie SimoneLovie Simone(età:21)

Technical staff

Avy KaufmanAvy Kaufmancasting
Kelly Mcgeheescenografo
Ava Berkofskydirettore della fotografia
Shelby Siegelmontatore
Ciara Vernonscenografo
Ciara Vernonarredatore