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Shattered Hearts: A Moment of Truth Movie [filmTV] (1998)

Original title: shattered hearts: a moment of truth movie
Production: USA|89 min| tv movie
Dramatic, Romantic
Poster of movie Shattered Hearts: A Moment of Truth Movie [filmTV]


Production and Screenplay

Michael O'Haraproduttore esecutivo
Lawrence Horowitzproduttore esecutivo
Tracey Jeffreyproduttore
Kathryn Prattscrittore

Interpreters and Characters

Lochlyn MunroLochlyn Munro(età:32)
Kevin McNultyKevin McNulty(età:43)
Garry ChalkGarry Chalk(età:46)
Teryl RotheryTeryl Rothery(età:36)

Technical staff

Robert Nadircostumista
Peter Benisondirettore della fotografia
Stacy WidelitzStacy Widelitzmusiche