Database of cinema, music, history and literature

She's Been Away [filmTV] (1989)

Original title: she's been away
103 min| tv movie
Poster of movie She's Been Away [filmTV]

Festivals and awards


Peter HallPeter Hallregista

Production and Screenplay

Stephen PoliakoffStephen Poliakoffscrittore
Kenith Troddproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

James FoxJames Fox(età:50)
Hugh Ross(età:44)
Hugh Lloyd(età:66)
Barnaby Holm(età:22)
René ZaggerRené Zagger(età:16)
Malcolm Mudie(età:50)

Technical staff

Anushia Nieradzikcostumista
Gary Williamsonscenografo
Joyce Nettlescasting
Dorka Nieradziktruccatore
Stephen Edwardsmusiche
Philip Bonham-carterdirettore della fotografia