Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Sherlock Holmes and the Voice of Terror (1942)

Original title: sherlock holmes and the voice of terror
Production: USA|65 min| black and white
Thriller, Crime, Mystery
Poster of movie Sherlock Holmes and the Voice of Terror
This movie is episode 3 of the series Sherlock Holmes composed by:

Origin of the subject


John Rawlinsregista

Production and Screenplay

John Brightsceneggiatore
Robert Hardy andrewssceneggiatore
Lynn Riggssceneggiatore
Howard Benedictproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Evelyn AnkersEvelyn Ankers(età:24)
Thomas GomezThomas Gomez(età:37)
Reginald DennyReginald Denny(età:51)
(sir evan barham)
Henry DaniellHenry Daniell(età:48)
(anthony lloyd)
Montagu LoveMontagu Love(età:62)
(generale jerome lawford)
voice of terror
bbc radio announcer
Mary GordonMary Gordon(età:60)
Fred GrahamFred Graham(età:34)
Olaf HyttenOlaf Hytten(età:54)
Arthur Blake(età:70)
Harry StubbsHarry Stubbs(età:68)
Alec Harford(età:54)
John Rogers(età:54)
Donald Stuart(età:45)
Harry CordingHarry Cording(età:51)
Herbert Evans(età:60)
Robert Barron(età:44)
Ted Billings(età:62)
ManMike Morelli(età:33)
Bobbie Hale(età:56)

Technical staff

Russell A.gausmanRussell A.gausmanarredatore
Jack OttersonJack Ottersonscenografo
Frank SkinnerFrank Skinnermusiche
Vera WestVera Westcostumista
Woody BredellWoody Bredelldirettore della fotografia

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1942)