Database of cinema, music, history and literature

silent tongue (1993)

Original title: silent tongue
Production: USA|105 min| |
Dramatic, Western, Horror


Sam ShepardSam Shepardregista

Production and Screenplay

Sam ShepardSam Shepardsceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

prescott roe
talbot roe
River PhoenixRiver Phoenix(età:23)
eamon mccree
reeves mccree
awbonnie / fantasma
Sheila TouseySheila Tousey(età:33)
Bill IrwinBill Irwin(età:43)
velada mccree
silent tongue
Alan BatesAlan Bates(età:59)
David Shiner(età:40)

Technical staff

Patrick O'hearnmusiche
Bill Yahrausmontatore
Jack Conroydirettore della fotografia
Cary Whitescenografo
Barbara Haberechtscenografo
John Frickscenografo
Michael J. sullivanscenografo
David Athertontruccatore
James Echerdcostumista