Database of cinema, music, history and literature

silk husbands and calico wives (1920)

Original title: silk husbands and calico wives
Production: USA|52 min| |


Alfred E. GreenAlfred E. Greenregista

Production and Screenplay

Monte M. katterjohnMonte M. katterjohnsceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

House PetersHouse Peters(età:40)
(deane kendall)
Mary AldenMary Alden(età:37)
(edith beecher kendall)
Mildred Reardon(età:20)
(marcia lawson)
Edward KimballEdward Kimball(età:61)
(jerome appleby)
Sam Sothern
(alec beecher)
Eva Novak(età:22)
(georgia wilson)
Vincent Serrano
(charles madison)
Rosita Marstini(età:33)
(mrs. westervelt)

Technical staff

David Kessondirettore della fotografia
John M. voshellscenografo