Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Sinister Journey (1948)

Original title: sinister journey
59 min| black and white
Dramatic, Action, Western
Poster of movie Sinister Journey
This movie is episode 63 of the series Hopalong Cassidy composed by:


Production and Screenplay

William Boyd (attore)William Boyd (attore)produttore esecutivo
Doris Schroedersceneggiatore
Lewis J. Rachmilproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Hopalong Cassidy
California Carlson
Lucky Jenkins
Rand BrooksRand Brooks(età:30)
tom smith, rr v.p.
banks, station agent
Harry StrangHarry Strang(età:56)
ex-con ben watts (accreditato come will orlean)
Will Orleans(età:39)
lee garvin
John KelloggJohn Kellogg(età:32)
jessie garvin
Elaine Riley(età:31)
marshal reardon
harmon roberts, segretario di smith
Don HaggertyDon Haggerty(età:34)

Technical staff

George Sawleyscenografo
George Sawleyarredatore
Mack Stenglerdirettore della fotografia
Darrell Calkermusiche
Jerome Pycha jr.scenografo